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Be Europe Recap 

Find all Be Europe episodes in one place! 


It's been a year since we released Be Europe! Let's go back and listen to some of the episodes!


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Be Europe - Intro

At the beginning of 2022 and on the occasion of the European Year of Youth, Eurodesk launched this podcast series to present the reality of young Europeans and what it means for them to be European!


The podcast is comprised of 14 episodes with interventions of young people from 14 different European countries: Lithuania, Romania, Latvia, Spain, Czech Republic, Ireland, Switzerland, Belgium, Iceland, Italy, Poland, Luxembourg, Sweden and Türkiye. 

Be Europe has had 4 great hosts so far: Vlora, Harry, Mireia and Stefanos! All of them interviewed young people about their mobility experiences and also the hottest topics for their generation! This has allowed the European youth to raise their voice on important matters! 


Paulius from Lithuania
I do care. Addictions, feeling European and youth participation


Andreea from Romania
Fake news and social media reliance


Brigita from Latvia
Youth exchanges and #LessWaste


José Juan from Spain
Identity, breaking stereotypes and being inclusive


Markéta from Czech Republic
Slowing down, living in the present


Aleesha and Orla from Ireland
You're not really Irish


Maya from Switzerland
Clueless about life


Bob from Belgium
I wish I had your passport


Alma from Iceland
Where is your heima?


Polyana from Italy
Grab the chance and make it happen


Kacper from Poland
Be confident, believe and dream


Lesley from Luxembourg
Dolphins, whales and emotions


Emma from Sweden
Making friends, baguettes and small actions


Tayfun from Türkiye
Coloured glasses and Lapland


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